ICSC Las Vegas 2024: Resquared Recap

ICSC is like the Super Bowl for commercial real estate folks, and Resquared was pumped to join this year! We reconnected with our customers, made new connections, and even had a special visit from Don Tepman, aka StripMallGuy, at our booth. 

Check out our biggest highlights from this year!


  • Resquared at ICSC Las Vegas 2024
  • Tyler Carlson Biggest Takeaways from ICSC Las Vegas 2024
  • Conclusion

Resquared at ICSC Las Vegas 2024

ICSC, also known as the "Super Bowl of Commercial Real Estate," is the largest commercial real estate association event, attracting over 50,000 attendees

This year, the Resquared booth was at East 56130, behind Jersey Mike's with a slight right turn past Yum D Hug.

StripMallGuy made a special appearance at our booth on Monday and shared how he achieved incredible results with Resquared:

  • 293 salons emailed
  • 81.5% open rate ✉️
  • 12 hot leads 🔥
  • 2 tours scheduled

Everyone was excited to see him, and the booth was packed with a line forming in the hallway.

The ReSquad team made the most out of ICSC, connecting with customers, meeting the remote team in person, and demonstrating how our platform can enhance prospecting for any commercial real estate business.

Check out Tyler’s (Co-founder and COO at Resquared)  testimonial in the next section to learn more about our key takeaways from ICSC Las Vegas 2024.

Tyler Carlson Biggest Takeaways from ICSC Las Vegas 2024

Video transcription:

“Hey everyone, I'm Tyler, and I just got back from, I believe, my ninth or tenth ICSC. Maybe eighth, considering the pandemic caused us to skip a year or two. But I wanted to share a little bit about my experience and some lessons that I've learned from attending almost 10 of these events.

First and foremost, I remember when I first started going to ICSCs, I would always focus on how many deals I needed to close and how much revenue I needed to generate. Now, don't get me wrong, we still track how much revenue is tied to the show versus how much we spend, etc. 

But there's nothing worse than being at some sort of cocktail party or meeting, whether it's a wedding, a networking event, or a trade show like ICSC, and talking to someone who is looking over your shoulder, not engaged in the conversation

It feels like they're signaling that you're not important enough. When you go to these events, it's crucial to focus on the person you're talking to. Make them feel like they're the only person in the world. Be curious and focus on them in the moment. 

The best advice for ICSC, and any conference, is to avoid just collecting business cards. It's about the quality of those connections. One relationship can change your life. My goal for every trade show is to build one new genuine relationship each day

It's clear when you're trying to make a genuine connection versus just seeing dollar signs.

Victoria, our sales manager and first million-dollar closer, describes ICSC as feeling like her birthday because everyone is so excited to see you. 

You haven't seen these people in a year, a few months, or even a couple of years if you skipped a show. They're excited to see you and your company. We often wear our branded shirts, making it easy for people to recognize us and share their positive experiences with Resquared.

This time, I was extra nervous because I coordinated the show, which I'll never do again due to the stress. But everything went well, even with the StripMallGuy himself visiting our booth.

For Anyone putting out content, it can feel lonely, like talking into an echo chamber. But at ICSC, I saw firsthand how much people appreciate and are inspired by our content. Don, the StripMallGuy, has made a tremendous impact through his tweets, inspiring others to launch projects, try new things, and learn valuable lessons.

Another takeaway is the importance of team building. Not everyone works in the same room with their team, and this was my first time meeting some of our team members in person. It was magical to see them interact with clients and each other.

I love playing a game with myself and the person I'm talking to, inspired by a scene from "The Office" where Michael Scott focuses on building a relationship rather than just making a sale

At these events, it's important to care about the person and not just their business. Ask personal questions like, "If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?" or "Any big plans for the summer?"; this helps build a genuine connection.

Overall, it's incredible to connect with clients on a human level. If you have a good fit for their business needs, things will work out naturally. I thought it was an awesome conference.”


We always get excited for in-person events, and this year's ICSC was no exception. As you can see from our photos and Tyler’s testimonial, it really feels like a birthday for us. There’s nothing quite like the energy and connections we make at ICSC.

Hope to see you there next year!

Resquared symbol: four colored squares

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